The Santos Science Experience is a fun 3 or 4 days of science activities for Year 9 and 10 students in 2021 program year
Each program is designed to provide students who have an interest in science with an opportunity to engage in a wide range of fascinating science activities under the guidance of scientists who love their work.
The program takes place in over thirty-five universities and tertiary institutions, within many different laboratories and lecture theatres. Participants perform experiments in the laboratories, meet and hear senior lecturers in the lecture theatres, attend site visits and walk around and experience what it is like to be on the campus of a university or tertiary institution. More than 81,000 students have taken this rare opportunity, up to date.
The program also provides information about further studies in science, technology and engineering. It highlights the wide range of careers that allow students to pursue their interest and abilities in the sciences.
One aspect of the program often commented on by participants is the opportunity to meet and share ideas with students from different schools. Each program includes a BBQ or other social activity.
Any Year 9 and 10 student is welcome to attend any one of the programs listed below
When and Where?
Universities & Tertiary Institutions
Program Dates
Best Apply Before
Murdoch University
7 - 9 December 2021
5 November 2021
Edith Cowan University, Joondalup
11 - 14 January 2022
20 December 2021
University of Western Australia
18 - 20 January 2022
20 December 2021
1. What will I be doing during the program?
You will be doing lots of hands-on activities in a university laboratory in a wide range of science and technology topics and participating in short lectures/demonstrations in a lecture theatre. You will also learn about careers in science and may visit places of scientific interest. Social activities and a BBQ are often a part of the program.
2. How do I contact my local Rotary club?
Please call 02 8894 9800 for details of your local Rotary club or ask at your school, local post office, police station or local government office. Some Rotary clubs have web sites -
3. What does the registration fee cover?
Payment of the $65 /$190 registration fee (includes GST) for the 3 day program and $260 registration fee ( includes GST) for the 4 day program enables you to attend and participate in all of the activities during the relevant program. There will be no additional charges to participate fully in the program at the venue. However, this does not include travel to and from the program or accommodation. You are usually expected to provide your own lunch.
4. Do you only take "top science students"?
If you are in Year 9 or 10, have an interest in science and pay the $65 /$190/$260 registration fee, you will be accepted into a program provided that there is a position available.
5. My school hasn't heard of the program. Where can I get an application?
Information about The Santos Science Experience and copies of brochures containing an application form, are sent to all secondary schools and public libraries in Australia in May. However, if a brochure is not available at your school, send your details through the 'contact us' page and a brochure will be sent. Alternatively, contact our office either by telephone, post or email for a copy. (contact details are on About the Program - The Organisers page of this website.)
6. What is the quickest way to lodge an application and be accepted?
The quickest way is to enrol online through this website (you must have a credit card). Alternatively you can email an application to
Places are allocated as completed applications, with payment, are received at The Santos Science Experience office at Monbulk, Victoria. Arrange for your application to be received as soon as possible - either direct online or by post. Please note that an application through a Rotary club usually takes a little longer to be lodged.
7. I will need accommodation to attend - can you help?
Participants from regional areas attending a program at the University of New England–Armidale and Uni Melbourne at Dookie, may apply to be accommodated on the university campus by contacting the individual university. You will then be advised of the availability and cost by the university.
Participants at all other venues need to find their own accommodation.
If you are finding it difficult to find accommodation, a local Rotary club may be able to assist you in locating accommodation through contacts with Rotary clubs close to the venue. Some universities have student accommodation that maybe available at a cost, please contact the national office for further information.
8. How will I know whether I have been accepted into a program?
You will receive an email immediately informing you of your confirmation of enrolment and asking you to print an Acceptance and Indemnity form which needs to be signed by yourself and a parent/guardian and posted to this office to complete your enrolment.
9. I have not received any information from you about whether my application has been accepted?
A letter of offer and an Acceptance and Indemnity form is usually sent from this office within 24 hours of an application being received. Please contact our office if you do not receive an Acceptance and Indemnity form within a few days of the application being sent to this office. You need to sign and return this form to confirm your acceptance of our offer.
10. My application was sent to a Rotary club four/five weeks ago but I have not received any notification of having been accepted? What should I do?
You should contact the Rotary club without delay to determine whether your request for sponsorship has been considered by the club. Please note than any arrangements between yourself and your local Rotary club are your responsibility and the office is only able to process applications, with payment attached, after being received from either yourself or a Rotary club.
11. When will I get detailed information about the program and times?
You will receive detailed information from the local organising committee including the details of the daily program, times and meeting places (usually with a detailed map), approximately 7 days prior to the program. Information about January programs should be available by mid December.
12. If I cancel my enrolment can we have a refund?
A refund is available minus an administration fee of $35 if you inform us at least four weeks before the event that you are unable to attend. A refund is not possible within four weeks of a program as local organisers have committed funds by that stage for equipment and other resources to provide for your attendance.
13. I attended last year and enjoyed it so much - can I go again this year?
If you have already participated in a program you are not eligible to attend that same program again, you may chose to attend an alternative program . If you are in Year 11 or higher you may like to contact the Young Scientists of Australia in your state and find out about being a helper at one of the programs -
Andrew Middleton
Rotary Club of Esperance Bay Youth Director
0428 759 030
The Santos Science Experience