Event Equipment Hire
The Rotary Club of Esperance Bay Inc has a range of event equipment available for hire:
Large Marquee
‘Circus’ Tent
Dance Floor
Stage Lighting
Passenger ‘Train’
Prices include GST, transport (within 35km of Esperance), erection and dismantling.
An extra amount will be charged for transport beyond 35km from Esperance.
A cleaning fee will be charged if the item is not returned in a clean condition.
A bond is required for each item. Refundable if there is no damage or cleaning required.
Marquee: 10m x (up to) 21m
Covid capacity 105 people.
Cost: $4,950
Bond: $1,000
Add text hereCircus Tent: octagonal - 9m diameter
Covid capacity 31 people
Cost: $550
Bond: $250
Stage: 4m x 8m
Height adjustable between 400mm and 600mm (most people use 600mm). Consists of 16 1m x 2m floor panels which can be arranged in a variety of configurations.
Cost: $715
Bond: $250
Dance Floor: 5.5m x 5.5m
Plastic panel flooring. Can be laid on flat gravel, sand or grass using ply base sheets.
Cost: $528
Bond: $250
Stage/Party Lighting: 4 x 4 light bars
Various colours and flashing or steady
225 ‘programs’
Cost: $165
Bond: $200
‘The Prince’ Train: Engine + 2 Carriages
Carries 18+ passengers.
Rubber tyres. Suitable for most made surfaces.
Available for shows, fetes, etc. with driver and ‘conductor’.
Cost: Available on application